Street Journeys

In the heart of Nairobi, where abandoned children wander the streets with no relief from the grim realities of poverty, hope for the future is dim, until renowned Kenyan Actress Anne Wanjugu restores the children’s spirit through healing power of theater. But when an unexpected event puts their resilience to the test, it’s up to the children to draw on their strength, and glean lessons of faith, family, and the rising of the spirit without their mentor. The inspiring story of Anne Wanjugu and the former street children who reside at her home Shangilia Mtoto Wa Africa (Rejoice, Child of Africa) culminates in a triumphant journey from the makeshift state of a small Nairobi church to the bright lights of Broadway.



Tracy Christian Director/Producer
Anne Barliant Editor
Stefan Lovgren Cinematographer
Daniel Hulsizer Composer